Please call the 24-hour attendance line at 303.387.1502 for school absences. There are dedicated attendance secretaries who continually monitor the attendance line, prepare release slips for students, and enter the information into Infinite Campus.
When a student is absent, missed instructional time is impossible to replace. Attendance in class is an important part of the educational process and students are expected to be in attendance every day school is in session. Colorado state law requires every child between the ages of six and seventeen years to regularly attend school.
A tardy is considered as missing less than ten minutes of a class period.
All students must check in at the attendance window if they are arriving late.
Students who are more than 10 minutes late for any class will be recorded as an unexcused absence.
If arriving late for your first period of the day, a doctor’s note must be presented to excuse the tardy/absence. Being late for any other reason is unexcused.
Other than first period late arrivals, parents may excuse a student absence by calling the MVHS attendance line within 48 hours of the absence. All absences not excused within the 48 hour period will be considered unexcused.
Students with unexcused absences are responsible for learning missed.
Initially, students will receive a grade of zero until work is accepted and approved by the teacher.
Excused absences are defined as: those resulting from temporary or extended illnesses, injuries, or physical, mental, or emotional disabilities, family emergencies, absences which occur when a student is in custody of a court or law enforcement authority.
Students with excused absences are responsible for contacting their teachers to arrange make-up learning opportunities.
Students will have the number of days missed plus one day to make up work missed during their absence.
Parents may not excuse their students from class because they are not prepared, need to work on another class, or to do volunteer work for community service hours to meet their graduation requirement.
All students who are not excused are expected to be in their assigned classroom.
All attendance markings that are incorrect (i.e. - a student was marked absent but was only tardy) are to be worked out with the teacher first, then brought to the attendance secretary to make the necessary corrections.
If your student will be leaving early for an appointment, we are switching to an electronic process which will enable us to provide a more touch-free attendance process while at the same time being health and environmentally conscious. Paper passes will still be available when needed, however we appreciate your support in encouraging your student to utilize the early release pass sent to their student email whenever possible.
Parents should continue to leave a voice message on the attendance line as our preferred method, but hand-written notes will still be accepted.
Students will now receive a pass on their District student email to show their teacher when arriving late or leaving early.
If there is NO call or note, the student will NOT be released.
Whenever possible, please have students released during passing periods or during lunch. In these instances, a pass will NOT be sent to the students.
All students must check out at the attendance window if they will be returning to school and check back in before going to class.
All FRESHMEN must check in/out at the attendance window EVERY time they are entering or leaving the building.
If a same day appointment is needed, please allow at least 2 hours for an early release. Although we strive to do our best to release your student, not providing enough notice for an early release could result in a delay.
Students who accumulate five unexcused absences may be denied credit for the course.
Students who accumulate 12 total absences (excused or unexcused) may be denied credit for the course. The action would be recorded as a WF (withdraw failing) grade on the student’s transcript, be calculated as a zero into the student’s GPA, and may affect student athletic/activity eligibility.
In some situations, students may remain in the class and have the opportunity to recover credit that has been denied. Students may be assigned credit recovery by the Administration Team.
If a student does not feel well in class, they must inform the teacher and be excused to leave class to come up to the main office. The student will be evaluated in the health room and a determination will be made as to whether they meet the criteria to be sent home due to illness. Parents will be notified by the health assistant of their student’s illness and can pick up their student at that time. The front office will not send passes to retrieve sick students out of class.